Back To School Series: Stay Organized!

Staying organized is an essential thing for back to school. Admit it, it sucks to loose your homework or taking forever to find you school work if you are unorganized. Being organized is fairly easy, but staying that way is not. But with time staying organized will become a habit, and believe me, it would make life a lot easier for you! Keep reading for tips on how to stay organized.

Tip #1:  As I said in my School Supplies Haul/Tips Post, color code your supplies. For example, your math binder/notebook/folder could be red, your science binder/notebook/folder could be blue, etc. Also, don't forget to label them! This way it will be much easier to know what supplies you need for you next class and where to save your work.

Post-It Label Roll - Target $4.49

Tip #2: Keep you supplies organized in your book bag and locker/cubbie. For example, you might want to keep all of your Math stuff together, all you Science stuff together, etc. Also, if you can, buy locker organizers to keep your locker even more organized if you have one. This way you will know where everything is and you will not have to spend forever looking for something.

Pencil Holder for Locker - Target $2.99

Tip #3: Buy a planner. They are very inexpensive and easy to use. A planner will be your best friend in school. There are so many events, tests, quizzes, and homework to keep up with that is might be impossible to remember it all. It will help you turn in your work on time, finish all of your homework, be ready for tests/quizzes, and not forget to attend important events like meetings, football games, etc.

Planner - You can find these at almost any store with office/school supplies!

Tip #4: I recommend you have a separate folder for important papers. This way you will not loose them and you will know that they should not be thrown away because they are important. I have tried this and it really works. Also, if you have a paper that you know you will have to keep for a very long time or is very important, put some page protectors so they can stay nice, neat, and wrinkle free!

Page Protectors - You can find these at almost any store with office/school supplies!

Tip #5: Put dates on all of your papers. This way you will know when exactly you took your notes or completed your work so when you need it in the future to study or because the teacher asks for it, it will be easier to find.

I hope you enjoyed these 5 tips on staying organized! Have a nice day! :)



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Comments apreciated! Do you think this post helped? Will you try any of these tips? What do you do to stay organized? You can answer these questions or just comment whatever comes to your mind!

2 lovely comments♥:

  1. thanks for the tips!!!

    you're so lucky! you can buy planners, here in Belgium, well, most of the school i know, give their students a planner, which is obligatory to bring everywhere!

    and it's not even cute or what!

    yea, but really liked this post! :)

  2. Heyy! i love your blog! followed ;) follow back??xx




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Rita: Writer of thoughts, opinions, and obsessions.
